Published February 08, 2022

How To Put Together Your Own Health & Safety Policy Update


Written by Daniel Gunning

Member since Jul 7
Read time:
4 mins

Will it be safe to return to the office? What health & safety measures will be put in place? Is social distancing being regulated? We’re going to talk all about putting together a great health & safety policy for your flexible office space.

In light of recent times, people will have plenty of questions they need answered in order to feel comfortable with returning to the workplace. The spread of COVID-19 has seen the introduction of new regulations and rapid adoption of health advice. It’s catalysed a shift in behaviour amongst many, and will forever impact the way society functions in the long-term.

As such, one of the most vital things to compose is a Health and Safety Policy Update. You need to confidently communicate to your current and potential guests the measures you’re implementing as a response. After all, flexible workspaces are just as agile as their name suggests. Here’s our advice on what you should include.

Communicate With Confidence

One of the most important elements to writing a good policy update is reverberating confidence in your copy. You need to be clear, sure and ultimately persuasive when it comes to letting your guests know of updates. Make sure you clarify that these new measures, although inconvenient or out of the ordinary for some, are necessary for the health and safety of all. After all, your guests are of utmost priority! Mention this at the beginning of your policy.


‘At Spacenow, the health and wellbeing of members in our community takes precedence! That’s why we’ve introduced some important rules to follow.’

Measures Enforced Need to Be Succinctly Outlined

Next up, you’ll need to concisely list and explain the new regulations or recommendations that are being implemented. Have clear subheadings and don’t overwhelm the reader with too much information. Topics can be broken up into factors like Cleaning, Hygiene, What To Do When Sick, If You Have Travelled, Social Distancing, or even Kitchen Rules. You’ll need to sit and review the most important changes to the workspace. Be sure to include that if there are any questions, they can contact you for clarification.

To What Standard are These Measures Being Implemented?

Right after you’ve introduced changes in the policy, you want to explain why they have been put into place. Although it’s quite obvious to many, you still want to clarify where you’ve sourced your health advice from. Is it according to Government regulations, World Health Organisation advice or Centers for Disease Control research? Mention the credible source behind the foundations of your policy. It’s essential in resonating reassurance.

Thank the Reader for Their Cooperation

You need to emphasise that everyone has a very important role to play moving forward. Communicate that their actions will be benefiting the whole of the community. Reassure them that you’ll continue to provide updates as they come, and end off with a thanks!


‘Thank you for putting the health and safety of the whole community first. We’re all stronger together, so we all have our important role to play in following these new regulations. We’ll make sure to keep you updated as soon as there are any changes. Until then, thank you for your cooperation and stay safe!’

If there’s one thing to take away, it’s to be honest, open and clear with your communication. Workplace behaviour will no longer be as it once was, and publishing your Health and Safety Policy will bring comfort to many workers wishing to come back to a flexible office space.