Published February 08, 2022

Tips on How to Virus Proof Your Space


Written by Daniel Gunning

Member since Jul 7
Read time:
4 mins

Tips on How to Virus Proof and make a Safe Office Space 

Is it safe? 

It’s one of the first questions employees will be asking when it’s time to return to the office. That’s why it’s pivotal that you prepare yourself beyond COVID-19. With people being more sensitive and knowledgeable surrounding the topic of disease transferability, how we usually interact in the workplace will no longer be the same. It’s time to say goodbye to sharing desks, using the same kitchen utensils or piling into a lift. Thus, a new way of work is here. 

We’ve put together our advice on how you can prepare your team to be workplace ready. 

No Desk Sharing 

Long gone are the days of hot desking. You won’t see many people keen on the idea of switching up where they sit day to day anymore. The way offices are designed will be dramatically different. Workers will feel more comfortable in an environment where they can have their own personal, secluded space that’s reasonably distanced from the next desk. This also means limiting the amount of people in confined spaces like meeting rooms. Ultimately, isolation and physical distancing measures will be of priority. 

Limit Touch Points 

Here’s a really important one. Viruses survive on surfaces for varied periods of time, so limiting touchpoints for employees is vital. You can consider automated or swing doors that don’t require touching a handle, installation of motion lighting and adding motion sensors to taps. 

Cleaning, Cleaning, Cleaning! 

If you’re moving your team back into an office, you’ll have to ensure quality cleaning is taking place. For example, project spaces are investing into cleaning multiple times a day and hospital-grade disinfectant overnight. You’ll want to ensure that everything from the bathroom and kitchen to desks and copy machines are cleaned. This is one of the most important steps in making sure staff are comfortable in the work environment. 

Sanitisation Products 

In addition to cleaning, you’ll need to provide sanitisation products. Hand sanitizer should be available in every room and shared space. It should also be used upon entry to the office. There should also be disinfectant spray or wipes so that workers can clean things they touch often, such as their phones, keyboards, mouse and desk. It’s also important to emphasise to staff that they should stay home if they are feeling unwell. 

Embrace Flexible Work 

If you’d like to slowly transition back into the office, you can embrace the idea of a flexible work solution. What do we mean by this? Many businesses are implementing staggering of employees or utilising satellite offices. So, they’re investing into short-term project spaces that have all the amenities and cleaning provided. This makes it more convenient for their employees to work closer to home if need be. Rather than travelling constantly to the main office. 

Ultimately, you need to openly communicate with employees about the measures that will be taken in ensuring the workspace is a safe environment to be in. Assure them of any new regulations and strict rules they’ll need to abide by. That way everyone feels comfortable in a safe office space. 

Fancy learning more about the future of workspaces? Check out our ebook here to learn how you can be better equipped to evolve.